Home > Guides > Core Developers Guide > Annotations > StringLengthFieldValidator Annotation

This validator checks that a String field is of the right length. It assumes that the field is a String. If neither minLength nor maxLength is set, nothing will be done.


The annotation must be applied at method level.


Parameter Required Default Notes
messageyes field error message
keyno i18n key from language specific properties file.
messageParamsno Additional params to be used to customize message - will be evaluated against the Value Stack
shortCircuitnofalseIf this validator should be used as shortCircuit.
typeyesValidatorType.FIELDEnum value from ValidatorType. Either FIELD or SIMPLE can be used here.
trim no true Boolean property. Determines whether the String is trimmed before performing the length check.
minLength no   Integer property. The minimum length the String must be.
minLengthExpression no  OGNL expression used to obtain the minimum length the String must be.
maxLength no   Integer property. The maximum length the String can be.
maxLengthExpression no  OGNL expression used to obtain the maximum length the String can be.

If neither minLength nor maxLength is set, nothing will be done.
