AbstractEnhancedDeserializationProxy |
AbstractSerialStateHolder |
AbstractSQL<T> |
Alias |
The annotation that specify alias name.
AmbiguousMethodInvoker |
Arg |
The annotation that specify a mapping definition for the constructor argument.
ArrayTypeHandler |
ArrayUtil |
Provides hashCode, equals and toString methods that can handle array.
AutomapConstructor |
The marker annotation that indicate a constructor for automatic mapping.
AutoMappingBehavior |
Specifies if and how MyBatis should automatically map columns to fields/properties.
AutoMappingUnknownColumnBehavior |
Specify the behavior when detects an unknown column (or unknown property type) of automatic mapping target.
BaseBuilder |
BaseExecutor |
BaseJdbcLogger |
Base class for proxies to do logging.
BaseStatementHandler |
BaseTypeHandler<T> |
BaseWrapper |
BatchExecutor |
BatchExecutorException |
This exception is thrown if a java.sql.BatchUpdateException is caught
during the execution of any nested batch.
BatchResult |
BeanWrapper |
BigDecimalTypeHandler |
BigIntegerTypeHandler |
BindingException |
BlobByteObjectArrayTypeHandler |
BlobInputStreamTypeHandler |
The TypeHandler for Blob / InputStream using method supported at JDBC 4.0.
BlobTypeHandler |
BlockingCache |
Simple blocking decorator
Simple and inefficient version of EhCache's BlockingCache decorator.
BooleanTypeHandler |
BoundSql |
An actual SQL String got from an SqlSource after having processed any dynamic content.
BuilderException |
ByteArrayTypeHandler |
ByteObjectArrayTypeHandler |
ByteTypeHandler |
Cache |
SPI for cache providers.
CacheBuilder |
CacheException |
CacheKey |
CacheNamespace |
The annotation that specify to use cache on namespace(e.g.
CacheNamespaceRef |
The annotation that reference a cache.
CacheRefResolver |
CachingExecutor |
CallableStatementHandler |
Case |
CglibProxyFactory |
CglibProxyFactory |
Deprecated. |
CharacterTypeHandler |
ChooseSqlNode |
ClassLoaderWrapper |
A class to wrap access to multiple class loaders making them work as one
ClobReaderTypeHandler |
The TypeHandler for Clob / Reader using method supported at JDBC 4.0.
ClobTypeHandler |
CollectionWrapper |
Configuration |
Configuration.StrictMap<V> |
Configuration.StrictMap.Ambiguity |
ConnectionLogger |
Connection proxy to add logging.
ConstructorArgs |
The annotation that be grouping mapping definitions for constructor.
Cursor<T> |
Cursor contract to handle fetching items lazily using an Iterator.
DatabaseIdProvider |
Should return an id to identify the type of this database.
DataSourceException |
DataSourceFactory |
DateOnlyTypeHandler |
DateTypeHandler |
DefaultCursor<T> |
This is the default implementation of a MyBatis Cursor.
DefaultCursor.ObjectWrapperResultHandler<T> |
DefaultDatabaseIdProvider |
Deprecated. |
DefaultMapResultHandler<K,V> |
DefaultObjectFactory |
DefaultObjectWrapperFactory |
DefaultParameterHandler |
DefaultReflectorFactory |
DefaultResultContext<T> |
DefaultResultHandler |
DefaultResultSetHandler |
DefaultSqlSession |
DefaultSqlSession.StrictMap<V> |
DefaultSqlSessionFactory |
DefaultVFS |
A default implementation of VFS that works for most application servers.
Delete |
The annotation that specify an SQL for deleting record(s).
DeleteProvider |
The annotation that specify a method that provide an SQL for deleting record(s).
Discriminator |
Discriminator.Builder |
DoubleTypeHandler |
DynamicContext |
DynamicSqlSource |
EnumOrdinalTypeHandler<E extends java.lang.Enum<E>> |
EnumTypeHandler<E extends java.lang.Enum<E>> |
Environment |
Environment.Builder |
ErrorContext |
ExceptionFactory |
ExceptionUtil |
ExecutionPlaceholder |
Executor |
ExecutorException |
ExecutorType |
ExpressionEvaluator |
ExternalResources |
Deprecated. |
FetchType |
FifoCache |
FIFO (first in, first out) cache decorator.
FloatTypeHandler |
Flush |
The maker annotation that invoke a flush statements via Mapper interface.
ForEachSqlNode |
GenericTokenParser |
GetFieldInvoker |
IbatisException |
Deprecated. |
IfSqlNode |
IncompleteElementException |
InitializingObject |
Interface that indicate to provide an initialization method.
Insert |
The annotation that specify an SQL for inserting record(s).
InsertProvider |
The annotation that specify a method that provide an SQL for inserting record(s).
InstantTypeHandler |
IntegerTypeHandler |
Interceptor |
InterceptorChain |
Intercepts |
The annotation that specify target methods to intercept.
Invocation |
Invoker |
JakartaCommonsLoggingImpl |
JapaneseDateTypeHandler |
Type Handler for JapaneseDate .
JavassistProxyFactory |
JavassistProxyFactory |
Deprecated. |
JBoss6VFS |
A JBoss6VFS.VFS implementation that works with the VFS API provided by JBoss 6.
Jdbc3KeyGenerator |
JdbcTransaction |
Transaction that makes use of the JDBC commit and rollback facilities directly.
JdbcTransactionFactory |
JdbcType |
Jdk |
To check the existence of version dependent classes.
Jdk14LoggingImpl |
JndiDataSourceFactory |
KeyGenerator |
Lang |
LanguageDriver |
LanguageDriverRegistry |
LocalCacheScope |
LocalDateTimeTypeHandler |
LocalDateTypeHandler |
LocalTimeTypeHandler |
Log |
Log4j2AbstractLoggerImpl |
Log4j2Impl |
Log4j2LoggerImpl |
Log4jImpl |
LogException |
LogFactory |
LoggingCache |
LongTypeHandler |
LruCache |
Lru (least recently used) cache decorator.
ManagedTransaction |
Transaction that lets the container manage the full lifecycle of the transaction.
ManagedTransactionFactory |
Many |
The annotation that specify the nested statement for retrieving collections.
MapKey |
The annotation that specify the property name(or column name) for a key value of Map .
MappedJdbcTypes |
The annotation that specify jdbc types to map TypeHandler .
MappedStatement |
MappedStatement.Builder |
MappedTypes |
The annotation that specify java types to map TypeHandler .
Mapper |
Marker interface for MyBatis mappers.
MapperAnnotationBuilder |
MapperBuilderAssistant |
MapperMethod |
MapperMethod.MethodSignature |
MapperMethod.ParamMap<V> |
MapperMethod.SqlCommand |
MapperProxy<T> |
MapperProxyFactory<T> |
MapperRegistry |
MapWrapper |
MetaClass |
MetaObject |
MethodInvoker |
MethodResolver |
MixedSqlNode |
MonthTypeHandler |
NClobTypeHandler |
NoKeyGenerator |
NoLoggingImpl |
NStringTypeHandler |
Null |
NullCacheKey |
ObjectFactory |
MyBatis uses an ObjectFactory to create all needed new Objects.
ObjectTypeHandler |
ObjectWrapper |
ObjectWrapperFactory |
OffsetDateTimeTypeHandler |
OffsetTimeTypeHandler |
OgnlCache |
Caches OGNL parsed expressions.
OgnlClassResolver |
Custom ognl ClassResolver which behaves same like ognl's
DefaultClassResolver .
One |
The annotation that specify the nested statement for retrieving single object.
OptionalUtil |
Options |
The annotation that specify options for customizing default behaviors.
Options.FlushCachePolicy |
Param |
The annotation that specify the parameter name.
ParameterExpression |
Inline parameter expression parser.
ParameterHandler |
A parameter handler sets the parameters of the PreparedStatement .
ParameterMap |
ParameterMap.Builder |
ParameterMapping |
ParameterMapping.Builder |
ParameterMode |
ParamNameResolver |
ParamNameUtil |
ParsingException |
PerpetualCache |
PersistenceException |
Plugin |
PluginException |
PooledDataSource |
This is a simple, synchronous, thread-safe database connection pool.
PooledDataSourceFactory |
PoolState |
PreparedStatementHandler |
PreparedStatementLogger |
PreparedStatement proxy to add logging.
Property |
The annotation that inject a property value.
PropertyCopier |
PropertyNamer |
PropertyParser |
PropertyTokenizer |
ProviderContext |
The context object for sql provider method.
ProviderMethodResolver |
The interface that resolve an SQL provider method via an SQL provider class.
ProviderSqlSource |
ProxyFactory |
RawLanguageDriver |
As of 3.2.4 the default XML language is able to identify static statements
and create a RawSqlSource .
RawSqlSource |
Static SqlSource.
ReflectionException |
Reflector |
This class represents a cached set of class definition information that
allows for easy mapping between property names and getter/setter methods.
ReflectorFactory |
ResolverUtil<T> |
ResolverUtil is used to locate classes that are available in the/a class path and meet
arbitrary conditions.
ResolverUtil.AnnotatedWith |
A Test that checks to see if each class is annotated with a specific annotation.
ResolverUtil.IsA |
A Test that checks to see if each class is assignable to the provided class.
ResolverUtil.Test |
A simple interface that specifies how to test classes to determine if they
are to be included in the results produced by the ResolverUtil.
Resources |
A class to simplify access to resources through the classloader.
Result |
The annotation that specify a mapping definition for the property.
ResultContext<T> |
ResultExtractor |
ResultFlag |
ResultHandler<T> |
ResultLoader |
ResultLoaderMap |
ResultLoaderMap.LoadPair |
Property which was not loaded yet.
ResultMap |
The annotation that specify result map names to use.
ResultMap |
ResultMap.Builder |
ResultMapException |
ResultMapping |
ResultMapping.Builder |
ResultMapResolver |
Results |
The annotation that be grouping mapping definitions for property.
ResultSetHandler |
ResultSetLogger |
ResultSet proxy to add logging.
ResultSetType |
ResultSetWrapper |
ResultType |
This annotation can be used when a @Select method is using a
ReuseExecutor |
RoutingStatementHandler |
RowBounds |
RuntimeSqlException |
ScheduledCache |
ScriptingException |
ScriptRunner |
Select |
The annotation that specify an SQL for retrieving record(s).
SelectBuilder |
SelectKey |
The annotation that specify an SQL for retrieving a key value.
SelectKeyGenerator |
SelectProvider |
The annotation that specify a method that provide an SQL for retrieving record(s).
SerializedCache |
SerializedCache.CustomObjectInputStream |
SetFieldInvoker |
SetSqlNode |
ShortTypeHandler |
Signature |
The annotation that indicate the method signature.
SimpleExecutor |
SimpleStatementHandler |
SimpleTypeRegistry |
Slf4jImpl |
SoftCache |
Soft Reference cache decorator
Thanks to Dr.
SqlBuilder |
SqlCommandType |
SqlDateTypeHandler |
SqlNode |
SqlRunner |
SqlSession |
The primary Java interface for working with MyBatis.
SqlSessionException |
SqlSessionFactory |
Creates an SqlSession out of a connection or a DataSource
SqlSessionFactoryBuilder |
SqlSessionManager |
SqlSource |
Represents the content of a mapped statement read from an XML file or an annotation.
SqlSourceBuilder |
SqlTimestampTypeHandler |
SqlTimeTypeHandler |
SqlxmlTypeHandler |
Convert String to/from SQLXML .
StatementHandler |
StatementLogger |
Statement proxy to add logging.
StatementType |
StatementUtil |
Utility for Statement .
StaticSqlSource |
StaticTextSqlNode |
StdOutImpl |
StringTypeHandler |
SynchronizedCache |
SystemMetaObject |
TextSqlNode |
TimeOnlyTypeHandler |
TokenHandler |
TooManyResultsException |
Transaction |
Wraps a database connection.
TransactionalCache |
The 2nd level cache transactional buffer.
TransactionalCacheManager |
TransactionException |
TransactionFactory |
TransactionIsolationLevel |
TrimSqlNode |
TypeAliasRegistry |
TypeDiscriminator |
The annotation that be grouping conditional mapping definitions.
TypeException |
TypeHandler<T> |
TypeHandlerRegistry |
TypeParameterResolver |
TypeReference<T> |
References a generic type.
UnknownTypeHandler |
UnpooledDataSource |
UnpooledDataSourceFactory |
Update |
The annotation that specify an SQL for updating record(s).
UpdateProvider |
The annotation that specify a method that provide an SQL for updating record(s).
UsesJava7 |
Indicates that the element uses Java 7 API.
UsesJava8 |
Indicates that the element uses Java 8 API.
VarDeclSqlNode |
VendorDatabaseIdProvider |
Vendor DatabaseId provider.
Provides a very simple API for accessing resources within an application server.
WeakCache |
Weak Reference cache decorator.
WhereSqlNode |
WriteReplaceInterface |
XMLConfigBuilder |
XMLIncludeTransformer |
XMLLanguageDriver |
XMLMapperBuilder |
XMLMapperEntityResolver |
Offline entity resolver for the MyBatis DTDs.
XMLScriptBuilder |
XMLStatementBuilder |
XNode |
XPathParser |
YearMonthTypeHandler |
Type Handler for YearMonth .
YearTypeHandler |
ZonedDateTimeTypeHandler |