Swing Enhancements in Java SE 7

Major Features


JLayer is a flexible and powerful decorator for Swing components. It enables you to draw on components and respond to component events without modifying the underlying component directly. For more information, read How to Decorate Components with JLayer in the Java Tutorial.

The Nimbus Look & Feel

The Nimbus Look & Feel (L&F) has moved from com.sun.java.swing to a standard API namespace, javax.swing. Although it is not the default L&F, you can easily use it. Consult the Nimbus Look and Feel section in the Java Tutorial for more information and examples of three simple methods for using Nimbus in your applications.

Mixing Heavyweight and Lightweight Components

Historically, mixing heavyweight (AWT) and lightweight (Swing) components in the same container has been problematic. However, as of the JDK 6 Update 12 and JDK 7 build 19 releases, mixing heavyweight and lightweight components is easy to accomplish. The Mixing Heavyweight and Lightweight Components article shows you how.

Creating Shaped and Transcluent Windows

The Java SE 7 release supports windows with transparency and non-rectangular shapes. This feature was first introduced in Java SE 6u10, and is described in How to Create Translucent and Shaped Windows, part of the Java Tutorial.

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